Current results and standings for 2024-25:

Participation Awards: Current Results

Current results and standings for 2023-2024:

Results and Standings: Current Results

Complete results and standings for 2022-2023:

Results and Standings: STANDINGS

Complete results and standings for 2021-2022:

Results by race for 2021-22:

12/29/21 Nordic Cup #1 Ski Rodeo:

01/09/21 Nordic Cup #2 King’s Court: CANCELLED

01/23/22 Nordic Cup # 3 Plain Skier Cross:

02/06/2022 Nordic Cup Final:

Complete results and standings for 2020-2021: Washington Nordic Cup Standings

Results by race for 2020-21:

2/7/21 Nordic Cup #1:

2/21/21 Nordic Cup #2:

2/28/21 Nordic Cup #3: Results

2020-2021 U20 and older Female Final Results (No male qualifying racers)

1st Place: Uhuru Hasimoto (Ellensburg)

2nd Place: Stella Johnson (LWSC)

2020-2021 U18 Male/Female Final Results (No female qualifying racers)

1st Place: Lars Sorom (LWSC)

2nd Place: Liam Newman (LWSC)

3rd Place: Derek Richardson (PVNT)

2020-2021 U16 Male/Female Final Results

1st Place: Thatcher Pate (PVNT)/ Isabel Menna (PVNT)

2nd Place: Peter Norby (PVNT)/ Serenity Saugen (PVNT)

3rd Place: Elijah Walker (PVNT)/ Elsa Swart (PVNT)

2020-2021 U14 Male/Female Final Results

1st Place: Easton Steinhauer (PVNT)/ Kathleen Kocher (PVNT)

2nd Place: Micah Saugen (PVNT)/ Jillian McKnight (PVNT)

3rd Place: Olaf Saugen (PVNT)/ Avery Houghton (LWSC)

2020-2021 U12 Male/Female Final Results

1st Place: Kyler Saugen (PVNT)/ Alida Burt (MVSEF)

2nd Place: Chase Wassell (Ellensburg)/ Ryann Johnson (LWSC)

3rd Place: Evan Bonnett (PVNT)/ Sisu Clark (MVSEF)

2020-2021 U10 Male/Female Final Results

1st Place: Victor Doroin (Kongsberger)/ Luella Michels (PVNT)

2nd Place: Liam Pritchett (Ellensburg)/ Olivia Stay (PVNT)

3rd Place: Alex Shestakov (Kongsberger)/ Sadie Durkee (Ellensburg)

2020-2021 U8 Male/Female Final Results

1st Place: Luke Pritchett (Ellensburg)/ Noel Johnson (LWSC)

2nd Place: Finn Worden (PVNT)/ Esme Michels (PVNT)

3rd Place: Dylan Sands (MVSEF)/ Nora Kasperski (PVNT)


Complete results and standings for 2019-2020: Washington Nordic Cup Standings

Results by race for 2019-20:

2/29/20 Cabin Creek Finals:

2/9/20 Leavenworth Skirennen:

2/8/20 Plain Valley Ski Trails:

1/26/2020 Cabin Creek:  Stampede 5km:

1/25/2020 Hanz’s Big Adventure in Winthrop:

12/28/19 Methow Ski Rodeo:

2019-2020 U20 Male Final Results

1st Place: Isak Larson- Ellensburg

2nd Place: Dawson D’atre- Plain Valley

2019-2020 U18 Male Final Results

1st Place: Garrett Mullings- Ellensburg

2nd Place: Gabe Norby- Plain Valley

3rd Place: Anthony Hance-Dorsch- Momentum

2019-2020 U18 Female Final Results

1st Place: Sadie Hanscom- Momentum

2nd Place: Samantha Wineland- Momentun

3rd Place:

2019-2020 U16 Male Final Results

1st Place: Wyatt Mullings- Ellensburg

2nd Place: Oscar Hadjuk- Momentum

3rd Place: Owen Steinhauer- Plain Valley

2019-2020 U16 Female Final Results

1st Place: Delaney Jackson- Momentum

2nd Place: Bella Fox- Leavenworth

3rd Place: Kennedy Klein- Momentum

2019-2020 U14 Male Final Results

1st Place: Quinten Koch- Leavenworth

2nd Place: Peter Norby- Plain Valley

3rd Place: Thatcher Pate- Plain Valley

2019-20120 U14 Female Final Results

1st Place: Gwen Evans- Momentum

2nd Place: Alice Farrell- Leavenworth

3rd Place: Serenity Saugen- Plain Valley

2019-2020 U12 Male Final Results

1st Place: Micah Saugen- Plain Valley

2nd Place: Easton Steinhauer- Plain Valley

3rd Place: Kian Reed- Leavenworth

2019-2020 U12 Female Final Results

1st Place: Toni Elliot- White Pass

2nd Place: Adeline Loewen- Leavenworth

3rd Place: Kira Andrews- Momentum

2019-2020 U10 Male Final Results

1st Place: Kyler Saugen- Plain Valley

2nd Place: Jedidiah Stay- Plain Valley

3rd Place: Forest Saugen- Plain Valley

2019-2020 U10 Female Final Results

1st Place: Madison Williams- Methow Valley

2nd Place: Maria Norby- Plain Valley

3rd Place: Olivia Stay- Plain Valley

2019-2020 U8 Male Final Results

1st Place: Xavier Koch- Leavenworth

2nd Place: Dexter Swart- Plain Valley

3rd Place: Carter Gosney- Plain Valley

2019-2020 U8 Female Final Results

1st Place: Juliahna Tiegel- Plain Valley

2nd Place: Evelyn Michael- Ellensburg

3rd Place: Iris Elliot- White Pass



Results by race for 2018-19, click on links below:

3/2/19 WNC Finals:

2/23/19 Plain Valley:

1/9/19 Cabin Creek:  Stampede 5km and 15km at and Kongsberger Kids’ 1km and 2km at

1/5/19 Leavenworth Skirennen:

12/29/18 Methow Ski Rodeo:

Complete results and standings for 2017-18, click here:  Washington Nordic Cup 2017-18

Results by race for 2017-18, click on links below:

3/3/18 WNC Finals:

2/24/18 Plain Valley:

2/4/18 Cabin Creek:  Stampede 5km and 15km at and Kongsberger Kids’ 1km and 2km at

1/6/18 Leavenworth Skirennen:

12/27/17 Methow Ski Rodeo:

Complete results and standings for 2016-17, click here:  Washington Nordic Cup 2016-17